Ultimate Negotiating℠

Negotiations Training – Ultimate Negotiating℠

Negotiations training offers an excellent return on investment. At Singer Executive Development our Ultimate Negotiating℠ training courses emphasize solving real-world negotiations challenges you face every day. Our negotiation training seminars and workshops teach the strategies, tools and skills you need for highly effective negotiations. You will be able to apply our negotiation tools and training  for your immediate advantage.

Do you need your team to drive to best possible deals for your organization and maximize profits? Would your business be more successful if your team negotiated higher prices on each sale? Ultimate Negotiating can help your team drive higher profits for your organization. These negotiating skills are not taught at any school, but they are taught during this two-day hands-on negotiations training.

Ultimate Negotiating is a two-day workshop that covers the following topics in detail:

  • Understanding human nature and negotiating
  • Understanding the impact of goals and expectations
  • Discovering spoken and unspoken needs
  • The power of influence
  • The role of authority in negotiating
  • Utilizing normative leverage
  • Relationships, reciprocity and their impact on negotiations
  • The power of leverage
  • Negotiating strategies
  • Ethics in negotiations
  • Preparing for success in negotiations

We offer our renowned Ultimate Negotiating seminar as well as negotiations work shops and coaching that can be tailored to your specific needs. Our negotiations trainers and coaches have significant management, sales, operations and vendor engagement experience. Our insight into the obstacles your team faces daily truly brings our seminars and work shops to life, by addressing critical issues and teaching you and your team how to optimize outcomes for your company.  During our seminars and workshops your team will learn how to recognize, counter and prepare for the most common negotiating tactics. The ability for your team to negotiate effectively can have a significant impact on your company’s results and success. Our clients find that our interactive approach to teaching negotiations skills has an immediate and positive impact on their team’s motivation and results. Effective leaders make strong decisions. Make the decision to improve you and your team’s negotiations skills and achieve success by calling Singer Executive Development today.

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